Membership Fee Options

     UPAADCMDVA membership fees keep our alumni chapter alive and vibrant by providing operating funds to support fun get-together activities (like the Annual Picnic), fundraising events like the UP Gala Ball, educational and informational seminars, hosting visiting UP groups (like the UP Concert Chorus and the UP Medical Choir), participation in Fil-Am community events (UPAA booth at street fairs), etc.

      By collecting membership fees, we also show the IRS that we, as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, have a steady stream of reportable income every year in order for us to continue operating as a tax-exempt organization.   


There are two options for membership fees:

               1. $25.00 Annual Membership fee

               2. $250.00 Lifetime Membership fee

UPAADCMDVA is a 501(c) tax-exempt organization. Donations to UPAADCMDVA is tax deductible to the full extent of the IRS regulations.

Memberships and Donations

Friends Category
Donors Category
Patrons Category
Sponsors Category
Benefactor Category